Consider us a bipolar fueled marketplace of handcrafted artwork and custom goods.
Menu changes daily.
We seriously got a lot going on emotionally speaking. Clay is bipolar and has chronic migraines, Chloe has P.M.D.D. These health issues result in them both suffering from severe anxiety and depression. Sounds sad but finding joy through pain is a daily reward and is the reason why most of our work is influenced by mental health awareness.
Life has tons of negatives but every evil can be conquered with a positive view and mindset.
We personally maintain our joy through family, spirituality and CREATING DOPE ART TOGETHER.
We hope our work and apparel helps others to embrace their instabilities with JOY!
Clay bounced back and forth between Chicago and Southern California as a teen. Chloe moved from the Philippines to Chicago at age 9. Fast forward some years... Clay met Chloe, they fell in love, FIVE MONTHS later they were married and gave birth to STUFF by Clay & Chloe.
They design everything together from their studio in Chicago.